0776 111 7393

About Us
Mini Foresters
Mini Foresters are preschool Forest school sessions for childrden age 1 - 6 years and their parents or carers. Mini Foresters incorporates 3 differnt session groups, Tiny Trees, Forest Folk and Saturday Minis Sessions. We run all these sessions at Bristol Forest School in West Bristol.
The Preschool sessions are run as an independant small business supported by self employed Forest School leaders. We run these sessions under the umbrella of Bristol Forest School. Working together to provide a quality service.
The Preschool Team
Delivering Tiny Trees, Forest Folk and Saturday Minis

Lou Spellward
Preschool Manager and Lead Practitioner

Forest School Leader

Forest School Leader
Forest School Leader

Forest School Leader

Saturday Minis Forest school Leader

Saturday Minis Leader

Saturday Minis Forest School Leader

Saturday Minis Volunteer